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15 May 2024: Community Meeting minutes

Isobel , Louis , Charlotte , Grace , Norman, Rusty , SJ , Mary

Meeting Chair: Yann

Apologies: Caroline , Chuck, Sassy, Howie, Gaetano, Eve, Abby

Adam Dyer, Jonah GB, Alain joined later for the social

Isobel spent some time sharing updates regarding the ‘journey’ of circular revolution since the last community meeting April 2023:

-In early 2024, Circular Revolution received £20,000 grant from the National Lottery Community fund. This means Circular Revolution will be able to operate until Feb 2026, by which time, more funding will have need to be sought.

-The ‘volunteer scheme’ has been up and running for some time, with 6 volunteers contributing their time on approx. 4hrs/2 months basis in exchange for a monthly collection
-There are now 3 collection days a fortnight, one of which is completed as a ‘volunteer’ round

-Collection scheduling software has been launched, with the support of Gaetano

-CRT have agreed to work with CR to implement a ‘drop off point’ at Picketts Lock, this has been a long process so far, with patchy communication from CRT

-Following SJ making some enquiries, Isobel has met with Growing Concerns (Garden Centre Project) the previous tenants of St Mark’s Gate, a small plot of land between Victoria Park and the Herts Union Canal. Isobel explained that Circular Revolution will put in a joint bid with Growing Concerns to be tenants of the CRT owned land when Expressions of Interest open. The plan would be to design and build an ‘in-house’ processing facility for the dry material CR collects, and to work collaboratively with Growing Concerns to create a space of community benefit.
-Ongoing Meetings/organising: It was overall agreed that meeting in a pub/casual setting was okay for meetings such as this. Louis raised that it would be good to meet more formally when there are important decisions/discussions to be had. Organising via whatsapp community

Isobel shared the a Finacial/budget update which Eve had prepared (attached to these minutes)

The meeting discussed the following subjects:

-Contact marinas if they would want bulk collection or/and drop off point (willowtree marina)
-Funding for electric van: is there a grant which could be applied to specifically for a hire/purchase of an electric van?
-Food waste: It was raised that CR being able to process food waste would be a v. desirable option. Currently this is not possible at the site that CR currently process waste at (CFS).
-St Mark’s Gate/Growing Concerns Collaboration: The meeting attendees generally discussed how this was an exciting prospect
-Vermicomposting : Charlotte and Louis raised that they were really interested in CR exploring this mode of composting.
-Solidarity pricing: SJ raised that having a solidarity price point which would offer the option of folk paying more in order for others to pay less could be a good idea. Isobel said that this was a plan to put in place after the last community meeting, however it was considered that this model was quite precarious and was not implemented at the time. Isobel said that finding ways for CR to be as accessible to as many people as possible was an important part of the CR mission.

-Drop off points: The meeting agreed that the drop off points needed to be at a lower price point. Could there be free sawdust at the drop off points?

-Software feedback: Could an email/text be sent to customers to confirm which w3w location they inputted? Could an email/text be sent to customers to confirm they have ‘skipped’ a collection/when their account is on hold until.

-Surveys: SJ and Charlotte
-Membership: Everyone at the meeting signed up to be members

The meeting proposed the following actions:
-Having a co-working afternoon Co-Working Afternoon every other weds at 2pm:

-Start a Whatsapp community where communicating and organising can take place

-Mid September next meeting
-Social end of December

-Jan/Feb 2025 for AGM

-Print newsletter and put in caddies – July 2024 inc.

-To put to Gaetano the feedback raised re. the software

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